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A member registered Jan 06, 2019

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I've played your demo and wish to give some feedback :3

First of all, I want to acknowledge that Horace is a touching heartwarming experience, a human story of inhuman form of life. Great artstyle with careful attention to details.

1. I liked the flow of game pace and it's well-timed changes: those two rapid-time events (saving the girl from a dangerous tide and helping the mushroom-intoxicated exhibitionist to jump back into reality and NOT into certain death), both preceded by really slow-paced effortless activities really boiled my blood with some sweet adrenaline. I don't know why it worked that way, but it clicked well, I felt I was obligated to hurry even if I was not in any danger IRL. A great level of immersion simply by masterful use of pace change.

2. I really wish there was a countdown UI element with that 1,000,000 things to clean goal, even if for the sake of a joke. I see that you're trying to exclude any unnecessary UI from a game but I've felt as that'd be a really great meter of self-determinated progress. Since the main character is a robot I see no harm in making some simple UI for that matter. Going 999,999,999 then 999,999,998 then 999,999,997, etc each time the thing is collected. I've felt like that'd be a great display of "higher meaning of life", given to Horace by old man. An ironic and cheerful dichotomy of Horace always acknowledging, remembering and counting down his "higher goal" of cleaning 1,000,000 things and  in fact acting by his kind heart, helping people in need this exact moment just because he feels like it's the right thing to do, nobody had ever gave him a task to do so.

3. I think that animation of things being collected interferes with player's perception of some dangers in some areas. There was a scene in a barn, in one of the last doors, dead end one, where it had me realise this. Some collectable things are big enough already (there's a car in a barn, and bunch of bicycles), and they get even bigger being collected. And what really messes the whole picture is that they get big and blank white, which is bad for that certain area since there's electricity sparks, and yep, the're mostly white as well. Not exact match, of course, but in rapid movement, I see no real difference, and I could easily miss out the spark in that big white collectable object. Which I did a couple of times. My eye was trained rapidly to recognize sparkling bright object as a threat in this game, but when everything around is bright and white - nothing really is.

4. Oh, yeah, returning to that "the mushroom-intoxicated exhibitionist" event, there's a place player has to use ducking in order to avoid electricity sparks, and as I recognize (I could be wrong, if I am - just forget this point) that was the first time the player has to use ducking in the game ever. Yes, you've had an ability to do so earlier, but it was never shown before that you can avoid dangers with that move. Player simply had no need to do so, there was no situation that was resolved by it before. Tbh, Horace's height tricked me into believing that move will not work out and i simply didn't even try this. I tried this on the second time of course and it worked, but I had lost some immersive moment of fast-paced action, since I had to stop and experiment a little. I think it's nice to show the player the basic tools to survive at least once before he has to actually perform them in fast-paced ingame event. (If I really missed out that moment in tutorial - shame on me).

5. There's one jump I've felt as "controversial". Yeah, I'm talking about that part when Horace's getting his gravity boots and player's supposed to learn how to use them. And then player almost instantly meets that diagonal jump from one corner to another, which was not easy to perform for me, I've had to use a bunch of tries. I think that jump itself is a great find, but simply deserves to be in a better place, maybe some tiny secret or extra area rather than in tutorial for gravity boots, it's not that easy to perform. (Don't be mean, I know I'm bad at platformers :D)

P. S. I'm looking forward for your game, will definitely wait for it's release. Great job, dude!

P. S. S. I am trying to become something of game artist myself in similar genre, but I can't figure out which way did you manage to create such beautiful cutscenes. Have you created 'em inside Unity? I simply can't comprehend how, already asked you out on twitter for help, if you wish to share some wisdom on that topic I'd be very grateful.